
  • Business Opportunity

    Wired has an article this month on 33 Things That Suck.? I thought this was a great list of things that need solving.? Sure, no one is going to solve air travel delays, but whiteboards?? Evite?? Get on it people.

  • You know what would be awesome?

    If in India they played Sitar Hero.

  • How to Handle a Service Failure

    I recently mentioned my extensive use of tadalist, created by 37 Signals, as part of GTD. Tadalist is a free project, but they have a number of web based paid project management programs such as BaseCamp. They had a two hour downtime today and posted the following messages to keep customers updated.   Despite having…

  • Vineland Music Festival

    Has anyone heard about this?? They seem to be keeping the list of bands a secret, but if it’s any good I might go.? Interestingly enough I’ve had to go to Vineland twice for work this week to the Progresso plant down there.

  • Getting Things Done

    I heard about David Allen’s Getting Things Done a long time ago and I procrastinated in getting it.? It sounded like a system I could use, since my day usually consists of handling (and keeping track of!) a thousand tiny tasks.? I got the book for Christmas and according to my wife it’s the best…

  • Best Of

    I’ve added a new link section on the right for some of the best posts on After looking through them for a while I realized I have been doing this site for a long frickin time.? Got any suggestions for best posts I’ve missed?? Disagree with any of my pics?

  • Happy Days

    When I was a kid and watched Happy Days, I honestly didn’t realize it was a retro-show. I thought it was filmed in the 50s and reflected the times. That makes me feel somewhat moronic.

  • The Sneeze

    I can’t believe I only recently found out about The Sneeze. Yeah, I’d read Steve, Don’t Eat it but it wasn’t until The Face that I started checking out all the back posts. Some of my favorites are: The Great Pizza Orientation Test Global School Yard Rhymes Freaky Franks

  • Sopranos Finale

    Note:? It’s been weeks since I first watched the last episode of the Sopranos and I’ve been working on this post forever.? It’s taken me forever to write it and I may edit it later, but for now, here it is! Journey? At this point I have to take a second look at everything I’ve…

  • The Face

    I loved the saga of a man searching for the origins of a cartoon face drawn by his father for years. I couldn’t see the face until the very end.

  • Happy New Year

    The decade really is almost over now! I turn 30 this year, so that should be fun. I didn’t buy a ton of new CDs this year, but my favorite album of 2007 was definitely Boxer by The National.

  • Merry Christmas

    It’s always fun when your Christmas tree falls over.? I wish I had gotten a picture, but I was a little frustrated. hah.

  • Open Mic @ Studio Luloo

    Last night I stopped by Studio LuLoo’s open mic again and had a nice time. Mark Rice was the featured artist and he had a nice mellow sound. So mellow a guy near me passed out on the couch. Hah. A guy named Pat rocked a version of Mayonnaise by Smashing Pumpkins and I think…

  • Antarctica

    Jeanne’s Dad sent over these awesome pics from his ongoing Antarctic adventure. He’s working at the McMurdo station.   I don’t know if the seal is alive or not. Update: Welcome 700level readers!

  • Odd Man In issues

    I fixed an Odd Man In game that was busted for a few weeks. My apologies to everyone in that game. I think the game update script was interrupted causing the round to be halfway over and freezing the game.

  • First Birthday

    Guess who’s turning one today!

  • Idiot or Insane Person

    Ballot question #4 in the NJ election is my favorite ever. Amends the State Constitution to replace the phrase “idiot or insane person” with “person who has been adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting,” in regards to whom may be denied the right to…

  • Open Mic @ Studio LuLoo

    John Shaughnessy suggested I check out the open mic at Studio Luloo so last Tuesday I did. Singer/songwriter/fire escaper Sara O’Brien owns the studio and she’s making a great effort in turning it into a successful business. She holds music events at night and other times has art classes and workshops for kids. I can…

  • Genarlow Wilson is free

    Here’s proof that eventually the system gets it right. Genarlow had to spend three years in jail for something 99% of the country wouldn’t consider a crime, but at least he’s out now.