Business Opportunity
Wired has an article this month on 33 Things That Suck.? I thought this was a great list of things that need solving.? Sure, no one is going to solve air travel delays, but whiteboards?? Evite?? Get on it people.
How to Handle a Service Failure
I recently mentioned my extensive use of tadalist, created by 37 Signals, as part of GTD. Tadalist is a free project, but they have a number of web based paid project management programs such as BaseCamp. They had a two hour downtime today and posted the following messages to keep customers updated. Despite having…
Vineland Music Festival
Has anyone heard about this?? They seem to be keeping the list of bands a secret, but if it’s any good I might go.? Interestingly enough I’ve had to go to Vineland twice for work this week to the Progresso plant down there.
Getting Things Done
I heard about David Allen’s Getting Things Done a long time ago and I procrastinated in getting it.? It sounded like a system I could use, since my day usually consists of handling (and keeping track of!) a thousand tiny tasks.? I got the book for Christmas and according to my wife it’s the best…
Best Of
I’ve added a new link section on the right for some of the best posts on After looking through them for a while I realized I have been doing this site for a long frickin time.? Got any suggestions for best posts I’ve missed?? Disagree with any of my pics?
Happy Days
When I was a kid and watched Happy Days, I honestly didn’t realize it was a retro-show. I thought it was filmed in the 50s and reflected the times. That makes me feel somewhat moronic.
The Sneeze
I can’t believe I only recently found out about The Sneeze. Yeah, I’d read Steve, Don’t Eat it but it wasn’t until The Face that I started checking out all the back posts. Some of my favorites are: The Great Pizza Orientation Test Global School Yard Rhymes Freaky Franks
Sopranos Finale
Note:? It’s been weeks since I first watched the last episode of the Sopranos and I’ve been working on this post forever.? It’s taken me forever to write it and I may edit it later, but for now, here it is! Journey? At this point I have to take a second look at everything I’ve…
Happy New Year
The decade really is almost over now! I turn 30 this year, so that should be fun. I didn’t buy a ton of new CDs this year, but my favorite album of 2007 was definitely Boxer by The National.
Merry Christmas
It’s always fun when your Christmas tree falls over.? I wish I had gotten a picture, but I was a little frustrated. hah.
Open Mic @ Studio Luloo
Last night I stopped by Studio LuLoo’s open mic again and had a nice time. Mark Rice was the featured artist and he had a nice mellow sound. So mellow a guy near me passed out on the couch. Hah. A guy named Pat rocked a version of Mayonnaise by Smashing Pumpkins and I think…
Jeanne’s Dad sent over these awesome pics from his ongoing Antarctic adventure. He’s working at the McMurdo station. I don’t know if the seal is alive or not. Update: Welcome 700level readers!
Odd Man In issues
I fixed an Odd Man In game that was busted for a few weeks. My apologies to everyone in that game. I think the game update script was interrupted causing the round to be halfway over and freezing the game.
Idiot or Insane Person
Ballot question #4 in the NJ election is my favorite ever. Amends the State Constitution to replace the phrase “idiot or insane person” with “person who has been adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting,” in regards to whom may be denied the right to…
Open Mic @ Studio LuLoo
John Shaughnessy suggested I check out the open mic at Studio Luloo so last Tuesday I did. Singer/songwriter/fire escaper Sara O’Brien owns the studio and she’s making a great effort in turning it into a successful business. She holds music events at night and other times has art classes and workshops for kids. I can…
Genarlow Wilson is free
Here’s proof that eventually the system gets it right. Genarlow had to spend three years in jail for something 99% of the country wouldn’t consider a crime, but at least he’s out now.