Category: Uncategorized
Random Thoughts and Notes
This game of Odd Man In seems to be going well. It’s down to the final 11 and we should see a winner by early next week. I recently fixed some minor bugs here and there and I added the ability to view the last 50, 75 and 100 messages. I have lots of features…
I thought Arkanoid was the Citizen Kane of Breakout clones until I played Breakquest. It’s amazing. The demo has 4 awesome levels that you have to try.
Open Mic Recap @ Bamboo Bernies (01/05/05)
Last week I went to the first ever Bamboo Bernies open mic hosted by Justin Taylor. Some people probably thought I was mad last week because I only played three songs and got the heck out of there, but I wasn’t. I just didn’t want to stay out that late and I ended up going…
My Freshman Year of High School
Today I went through my parents’ basement to see if there was anything else I could sell on eBay and I came across my freshman high school yearbook (1993 – 1994). Check out how slick I was back then: That’s me and Sister Renata, my 9th grade math teacher. Read on for an article I…
OMI 2005 Has Begun!
The first Odd Man In game of the New Year is now underway. OMI 2005 started with an amazing 48 players! Note: The email all players received contained a message from the last game. Obviously, the moves for this game will not be shuffled around Christmas. The first moves are due Tuesday night! I made…
Why eBay Rules
I sold a broken camera on eBay for $46. I clearly marked it as broken, so it’s not like I tried to pull a fast one on somebody.
Last Chance to Join OMI 2005!
This is your last chance to join the next game of Odd Man In titled, OMI 2005. The game starts tomorrow!
Vicious Circle
My friend Vinnie’s band Vicious Circle was named 94 WYSP’s rock stars of the month. More information on their label, Neo Blast:VICIOUS CIRCLE has just been nominated as the January 2005 “Rock Star Of The Month” on 94.1 WYSP “Loud And Local” with Tommy Conwell. VICIOUS CIRCLE will be played on the program all month…
Mr White Won the Holiday Shootout
It’s over! My good friend Mike Blake won the Holiday Shootout as Mr White. In the last game, he was the notorious Mr Pink who screwed up the end game for a few players. Some highlights of this game were a surprise opening round where me and 7 other players opened fire on Mr Indigo…
New Bamboo Bernies Open Mic
Justin Taylor lost his open mic at the Crab, but found another one to run over at the infamous Bamboo Bernies in Lawnside. It starts tonight at 9:30PM and it’s every Wednesday night.
Holdiay Shootout: Final Three
After a tense standoff in Round Six, Round Seven ended with a bang. Three of the remaining six players were knocked off throwing the game into a final 3 showdown between Mr Crimson, Mr Silver, and Mr White. The rules change slightly in the final three. Odd numbered shots will kill you instead of even…
Holiday Shootout Update
Anyone who reads this site and is not playing the current game of Odd Man In is nuts. Holiday Shootout is about to enter its 8th round and it’s full of alliances, anti-alliances, strategy, anti-strategy, and most of all, fun! No anti-fun! The only players left in Holiday Shootout are Mr Silver, Mr Salmon, Mr…
Sarah Allen @ the Tree House
I just got back from seeing Sarah’s show at the Tree House. She sounded familiar and great. The place was packed with her friends and fans, anxious to hear her for the first time since she moved to North Carolina. They all seemed a little older than I remember them being, but that’s because they…
Happy New Year
We’re now halfway through this decade and we still don’t know what to call it. It was a big year for me. I got married, visited San Francisco, bought a great house, went crazy in debt, quit the open mic, saw the Pixies twice, and started Odd Man In. It’s been a great year for…
RIP Crab Open Mic
If you haven’t heard the bad news, Justin Taylo informed us last week that the Carribean Crab open mic is closing up for good. I tried to condense his email, but it’s too entertaining to edit.It truly is a sad day today. After eight months of sweat and loyalty, the Crab has decided to discontinue…
If you use Mozilla Firefox you should definitely check out the flashblock extension. It prevents pages from automatically loading flash ads and content which usually make my computer come to a crawl for a few moments.
Sarah Allen on New Year’s Day
Open mic favorite and recently transplanted Sarah Allen will be playing at the Tree House Coffee Shop on New Year’s Day at 7:00PM 8:00PM. That’s Saturday, 01/01/05. This will probably be the last time you’ll get to hear her play before the southern accent starts kicking in and she learns every song from Sweet Baby…
Starbucks Employee Fooled
This is one of the funniest and most ingenious things I’ve read in months.
Asshole of the Year
Every year a certain number of people go the extra mile in screwing things up for everyone. Kuro5hin has nominated a great list of 2004’s biggest assholes.Karl Rove Michael Moore Scott Peterson Michael Jackson Lynndie England Jesus “The Christ” Jessica Simpson The scumbag who shot Dimebag Darrell Vladimir Putin “The Donald” Psycho Dave (and all…
Join the Holiday Shootout
The next game of Odd Man In, titled Holiday Shootout, is about to begin. Get in now! Update: The game is going to start today, 12/20/04!