Category: Uncategorized

  • Vote Today

    If you live in the US and are over 18 you should be voting today.

  • Round 3 Completed

    Round 3 of the current game of Odd Man Out just ended. Here are the results:r Gray was killed. Mr Cyan wheeled by in a rickshaw and then shot Mr Gray in the head. Mr Blue said, “Oma Kora su baka na gaijin!” and then shot Mr Gray in the taint. Mr Purple was shot…

  • The Gameshow Started Today

    I’ve been playing Jason Zahn’s GameShow religiously for the past few months and you should, too. The object is to complete a phrase or word with the most common answer. For example, one day the phrase was SPIDER_____. The winning answer was MAN, but I stupidly put WEB so I didn’t get the full points.…

  • Kilpatrick @ A Gazebo in Haddonfield

    On Saturday I watched about half of Pat Hipp’s set in front of a gazebo near mars-red. He makes fun of himself and others in between songs and that’s the best thing about Pat’s gigs. He even announced to the bewildered crowd his identity in the current game of odd man out, and by crowd…

  • Open Mic Recap @ The Caribbean Crab (10/27/04)

    Last Wednesday I went to the open mic Halloween party at the Caribbean Crab. Who did I go as? The Greatest American Hero (pics here, history of the character here). I thought I had the costume contest locked up, but I ended up in 5th place! I even played the freaking theme song. Maybe next…

  • Round 1 Completed

    Round 1 ended for the current game of Odd Man Out. Here are the results.Mr Red was killed. Mr Yellow kicked him in the shins and then shot Mr Red in the cheek. Mr Blue rode by on a bike and then shot Mr Red in the leg. Mr Brown was shot at by Mr…

  • 26

    I turned 26 today. Ouch!

  • 3rd Game of Odd Man Out

    The 3rd game of Odd Man Out has begun! If you signed up you should have gotten an email letting you know. The first move is due on Wednesday night. Good luck!

  • 3rd Game of Odd Man Out About to Start!

    If you haven’t played my new game, Odd Man Out, now is your chance to get in on it. A new game is forming and will start on Monday. The first moves will be due on Tuesday. This particular game will be different than the previous two in that it takes an even number of…

  • Game 2 is Over

    The 2nd game of Odd Man Out is over and it was won by my mom as Mr Magenta!Mr Green was killed. Mr Green used the force and shot him in the wrist. Mr Black was killed. Mr Black sped by in a modped, fishtailed and shot him in the taint. Score Update: Mr Green…

  • Round 2 Completed

    Round 2 of the 2nd game of Odd Man Out has ended. Here are the results:Mr Yellow was killed. Mr Pink got his gun back from the cleaners and shot him in the liver. Mr Orange was killed. Mr Green got his gun back from the cleaners and shot him in the taint. Mr Red…

  • Round 1 Completed

    Round 1 just finished in the 2nd game of Odd Man Out. Here are the results:Mr Brown was killed. Mr Green called him over to help him move and shot him in the ankle. Mr Gray was shot at by Mr Red and Mr Blue, but he survived. Mr Cyan was killed. Mr Brown tied…

  • New Game Starting

    The latest game of Odd Man Out is about to get started. Right now we have 6 8 players all ready to go with the additional features I added. Good luck! Update: The new game now has 8 players. When it gets to ten I’ll start it up. Update #2: The 2nd game is underway!

  • Odd Man Out: Game Over

    The first game of Odd Man Out ended without a winner. Mr Orange and Mr Green shot each other and Mr Red shot himself. The identities of each player have been revealed, so check them out here. Thanks for playing! A new game is already forming and will start after I fix a few things…

  • Odd Man Out: Round 1 Over

    The first round of Odd Man Out has just finished. Left alive are Mr Green, Mr Orange, and Mr Red. Who will come out on top? We’ll probably find out tomorrow. Check out the game here.

  • First Game of Odd Man Out Started

    The first game of Odd Man Out just started. Each player has been assigned an identity, which will remain secret during the game. Moves should be made before midnight tomorrow. If you want to follow the game, check it out here.

  • Download all my Software

    Using NSIS I created a self extracting .exe file that installs all my games for you and puts links in the program list.

  • Odd Man Out: Fixed a Bug

    I fixed the bug that prevented people from joining the game. Give it a try here. You have to be registered and logged in to play. Update: We now have 4 players 5 players for the first game. I’d like to have a few more so hurry up and join! If we get 6 by…

  • Running a 5K Tomorrow

    Tomorrow I’m running in the Pine Hill 5K. I used to run in high school, but I was never any good. My goal is just to finish the thing and beat most of the old people. A lot of my friends are/were decent runners and I bet my friend Mike $50 that he couldn’t run…