I turned 26 today. Ouch!


7 responses to “26”

  1. It’s tough man, now the only way I can tell if a chick is too young is if she has a big black X on her hand at the bar.

  2. i haven’t quite lost that ability . . . . . you just have to look carefully and watch the people . . . . . . you know after observing them for about a minute. the older you get the more experienced you should be at guessing ages, but by our age it becomes demographics, like, under 17, 18-20, 21-25, 26-30, etc.

  3. I put you in the under 17 category the first time you came to the tree house.

  4.  Avatar

    If you want to know how old a girl is just ask…if she says an number between 20 and 23, subtract 5 – she’s too young. If she says between 24 and 29…add five, and use your own prophylactic.

  5. At least someone will be dead before me.

  6. Haha Ben’s an old man now

  7. I put you in the 21-25 catergory when i first saw you at the tree house. Which I think is the same as the first time I went there.