Category: Site Updates
Best Things This Year (2024)
2024 is just about over and I can’t believe we have this dipshit Donald Trump returning to the White House. I feel the same as I did 8 years ago, but the second time around is going to be different in unexpected ways. I’m trying to stay positive and not get lost in despair and…
Best Things This Year (2023)
I spent the first 4 days of 2023 stuck in bed. I threw my back out on New Year’s Eve after days of painting my old apartment / new house. I thought it would get better on its own but after four days I finally went to urgent care. They put a giant needle in…
Best Things This Year (2021)
Well, we’re still in year 2 of this pandemic. I feel lucky my family is vaccinated, boosted and able to fend off one covid case. But it’s still sad we haven’t returned to the world we had in 2019. I’m still hopeful we can in some ways, but things will always be different. 2021 was…
Best Things This Year (2018)
What a year, huh? A favorite comic of mine talks about how we don’t live one life, but eleven and this was the last year of my 5th life. 2018 was one of my best years, but at times it was the the saddest and most difficult. So much ended and so many new things…
Best Things this Year (2017)
Every year I write a recap of things I did and enjoyed. 2017 was packed. I re-read my 2016 recap and there’s a lot of despair, but I’m glad it didn’t slow me down. Maybe it was motivating. TV / Movies Twin Peaks: The Return Silicon Valley The Leftovers The Big Sick Coco Get Out…
Some Stuff Might be Broken Here for a While
Doing a full reinstall of everything here following some problems I had. Wish me luck! Update: Ok, everything should be back up. There were a few things I didn’t put back, but they were mostly leftover files from my previous CMS. If you see any broken links or images, let me know.
Attention OMI Players
To the 6 people still playing Odd Man In (you rock by the way), the game may break when I upgrade the site to php5 tonight. Let me know if you see anything weird that I don’t catch. Thanks.
Twitter Replacing My Blog
I have been updating something on the Internets lately, but it certainly hasn’t been this blog. I am totally hooked on Twitter/Facebook status since I can do it from my phone. I’ll obviously still keep the blog for longish posts, but if you want to see what I’m up to check me out here.
I added the Twitter Tools plugin for wordpress and I set it to create a blog post every time I posted an update. (Don’t know what Twitter is? Go here).? Follow me on Twitter. It looks a little strange on this page now with a ton of one line posts, but I’ll figure it out…
Odd Man In Update
Just a heads up, I’m aware that no private messages are being displayed in Odd Man In.? They’re all still there, but I haven’t figured out yet why they’re not showing up. Update: I found a similar problem on my dad’s site.? I figured out the issue and should be able to resolve it in…
Chili post
Doh, I am making a batch of my chili today and clicked on the link on the right to make the shopping list. The link was broken! It has since been fixed. I also noticed I had 6 Tbsp of garlic, which I think must be a typo.? That would mean 36 cloves of garlic!?…
Best Of
I’ve added a new link section on the right for some of the best posts on After looking through them for a while I realized I have been doing this site for a long frickin time.? Got any suggestions for best posts I’ve missed?? Disagree with any of my pics?
I’m 15 in the picture above
The picture I’m currently using at the top of the site is me at 15 years old. It’s in the Paul VI 1994 year book and the full picture is me standing next to Sr Renata, my ninth grade Algebra teacher. I’ll probably switch it periodically since WordPress and the great K2 theme make it…
Fixed Odd Man In problems on the new site
I thought I had everything figured out when I went live with the new WordPress powered blog, but it turns out that everything in PostNuke gets routed through the index.php file. I was able to work around it, so all the problems with Odd Man In and everything else should be fixed. Let me know…
New Site Design
Lke it? Hate it? Odd Man In should work fine now, so let me know if there are additional problems.
New email address
Just to let everyone know, I’m switching my email address to Please remove my comcast address from your address books. Thanks.
To contact me for booking use the following contact info. I should get back to you as soon as possible. I’m available for bars, coffee houses, outdoor events, opening slots, playing between sets, etc. Email:
Welcome to!
I’d like to announce the opening of, a site where I can put anything I want without having to go through the arduous approval process at I will still maintain my site there to leverage some of the space and bandwidth considerations, but all the latest announcements, files, reviews will go here from…