bengarvey is a GameShow Master
Alright, I finally made the GameShow masters list. Did I finally win a month? Hell no, but I am the 8th best optional doubler of all time.BEST OPTIONAL DOUBLERS – ALL TIME ANYONE can take the optional double twice per edition – but these players do it better than you. Players must have used more…
Thought of the Day
Why the hell did Fred Flintstone order a piece of meat so heavy it made his car fall over? What an idiot.
Sam Alito is a Phillies Fan
Can you trust this man’s judgement?Clerks and associates who have worked with him paint a picture of a polite, modest, quietly humorous man who enjoys baseball?he’s a Phillies fan?and who enjoys exploring the ethnic restaurants that surround his office in Newark.The emphasis is all mine.
Coolest Commercial Ever
Drop 250,000 super balls into San Francisco and you get this. (19 MB download)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah @ The TLA last night
You know what’s the worst feeling? When you go to print out your will call confirmation number “just to be on the safe side” and you look at the email and it says, “Delivery: US Mail.” Shit And it’s an hour before the show starts. Shit. Shit. So stupid ass never sent me my…
Now This is Good Journalism
Man Arrested For Sprinkling Fecal Matter On Pastries When I saw this headline I thought to myself, “How can you sprinkle fecal matter?” and to my surprise the reporter totally answered my question.
27 Years, CYHSY Tonight @ the TLA
I am getting pretty damn old. At least I have tickets for tonight’s Clap Your Hands Say Yeah show at the TLA.
Amazon Customers Review Classic Novels
So Time Magazine put together a list of the best 100 novels since 1923 and blogger Matt Baldwin came up with the genius idea of finding bad Amazon reviews for the list. The results are hilarious.Lord of the Flies (1955) Author: William Golding ?I am obsessed with Survivor, so I thought it would be fun.…
Last Day for Double Tokens
Attention Odd Man In players who are thinking of donating: Today is your last day to get double tokens! Head here for details.
How Much is Worth?
According to this site, it’s worth $12,984. Inspired by Tristan Louis’s research into the value of each link to Weblogs Inc, I’ve created this little applet using Technorati’s API which computes and displays your blog’s worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs Inc deal.
XPN’s Top 885 Albums
Check out XPN’s top 885 albums of all time. Of course, no mention of the list would be complete without some blasphemy. 126 ALANIS MORISSETTE JAGGED LITTLE PILL 1995 127 MICHAEL JACKSON THRILLER 1982 or how about 25 COUNTING CROWS AUGUST AND EVERYTHING AFTER 1993 118 BECK ODELAY 1996
Interesting SPAM
You have to love any spam that starts out like this.Link exchange request Hello, I have found your website by searching Yahoo for “chipotle mexican grill identity theft”. I think our websites has a similar theme, so I have already added your link to my website.
Now Taking Odd Man In Donations
For the past few weeks I’ve been working on and testing a system that allows Odd Man In players to donate money to the development and expansion of the game and get something back in return. I added a section to the Odd Man In FAQ explaining what donations are for, how to do it,…
I’m sick of a few things on this site
1. My face. That photo is at least 3 years old and it needs to be replaced with something more current. 2. The clutter. There is entirely too much text on the front page. In the next redesign I’m going to eliminate everything but the essentials. 3. Not having anonymous comments anymore. Spam forced me…
Franz Ferdinand @ the Tower Theater Last Friday
I like Franz Ferdinand, but I’m not a huge fanatic. That said, I’ve seen them live twice and they are really tight in person. My ears are still ringing, too. They played just about every song from their first CD and a bunch from the new one. Sons and Daughters opened up and I didn’t…
New iPod w/ Video
Wow, those new iPods look awesome. They’re thinner, have bigger screens, play video and have a video output jack for a TV. You can also buy TV shows from iTunes 6 for $1.99. Oh well, here’s an MP3 link to the new Cardigans song.
About a week ago I finished Neal Stephensen’s Cryptonomicon and I thought it was great, although a bit long. I felt like I was reading it for a year, but the pacing picked up by the end. It’s the story of three people, two set in World War II and a third in the present…
No More Torture
Thankfully Congress has woken up to the fact that our interrogation policies have been unclear and that they’re hurting opinions of us around the world. Torture doesn’t work anyway since the person being tortured will just tell you want you want to hear. In a sharp bipartisan rebuff to President George Bush, Republican and Democratic…