Anecdotally, it seems like a lot of people shook up their lives in 2013. I certainly did. Here are the best things that happened to me in 2013.
1. RJMetrics – In March I started working at RJMetrics, an e-commerce data analytics firm in center city Philadelphia. Leaving Garvey Corp was a difficult decision, but being a developer at of the best SaaS data visualization companies in the world has been amazing.
2. The Bulldog Budget – I worked with Philadelphia City Controller candidate Brett Mandel to implement his vision for the city’s open data future. We built a visualization tool using D3 and MySQL that gives both a high level view of the General Fund budget, but still allows you to drill down to individual transactions. A lot of people got excited about it and I think it made an impact in Philadelphia. It also influenced similar projects in Italy and Oakland, California.

3. Coffeescript – I was skeptical at first whether Coffeescript was a worthwhile abstraction from Javascript. After 9 months of using it at RJMetrics, I’m a fan. Here’s why:
- Cleaner syntax: No parenthesis, braces, or semi colons. The time I save writing
instead ofconsole.log();
has been worth the switch. - Improved workflow: Continuously running the Coffeescript to Javascript compiler alerts me of stupid mistakes (ie. ones that won’t even compile) faster than finding them after I’ve loaded the browser.
- Existential operator: I can’t count the number of bugs I’ve fixed with one character are due to Coffeescript’s great ? operator, which checks to see if it’s null or undefined before proceeding. For example, if in javascript you previously did this:
if (player != null) {
In Coffeescript you just write:
- Comprehensions: The docs say you almost never have to write a multiline for loop and they can be replaced by comprehensions. For example:
for (player in players) {
if ( < 0) { player.kill(); } }
In Coffeescript you can write:
player.kill() for player in players when < 0
I'm looking forward to getting better at Coffeescript in 2014.
4. AngularJS - I don't want to develop another interactive UI without AngularJS.
5. Bought this swingset from craigslist - With the help of my friend Mike and my father in law, we disassembled, packed it up and a U Haul, and reassembled it in my back yard. I'm amazed it went back together so well.
6. Read 13 Books - My morning commute afforded me more reading time. Here's what I did with it.
- Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
- Look at the Birdie by Kurt Vonnegut
- The Trial by Franz Kafka
- A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nassar
- Boys from Brazil by Ira Levin
- Game of Thones (books 1-3) by George RR Martin
- Life of Pi by Yann Martel
- Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
7. Public Speaking - I got way out of my comfort zone this year and did some public speaking at Ignite Philly and Technically Philly's Civic Hacking Demo Night.
9. Spark Program - Some coworkers and I participated in an apprenticeship program for Philadelphia school kids where we spent 2 hours a week with 8th graders interested in programming and computers. Together we built a game!
That's as much as I could remember from 2013. Check out my lists from 2012 and 2011.
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