Category: Uncategorized

  • Buffalo Wings

    I love buffalo wings, as most normal, meat eating people do. There are a few places in this area that have great wings, but finding them can be difficult. Here are some of my favorite wing locations: 1. Buffalo Bills (Sicklerville, NJ) – By far the best wings I have had around here. I suggest…

  • Tipping

    Some jobs in this country depend on the tips of customers to earn their wages. Every time I hear someone complain about the necessity of tipping, I mention the alternative. Slow service would be rampant. Think of the slowest cashier you’ve ever had and that’s every waiter/waitress you’ll have in a tipless society. That got…

  • Posted Sarah Allen’s Flyers

    I posted Sarah’s two flyers for the upcoming show at the Tree House on March 19th. It’s going to rock. View the flyers here and here. The Flyers are pretty random, which I like. One threatens, the other entices. Why do I have such a hard time typing the word “flyers” as an improper noun?

  • Worst Album Covers

    Ever wonder what the worst album cover in the world is? Here are ten candidates. And here are ten more, including my favorite pictured in this post.

  • Open Mic Recap @ The Tree House

    Once again my supreme organization skills misplaced the sign up sheet from last week (supreme organization skills = me), so the order is probably completely wrong. I got the participants right as far as I can tell. 1. Jarrod Schafer – Jaron once again helped me out during the sound check by fending off Guns…

  • Playing with Sarah Allen on Friday, March 19th @ The Tree House

    Local acoustic artist Sarah Allen asked me to play a short set during her gig at the Tree House on Friday, MArch 19th. It’s my first time playing with Sarah and I’m looking forward to it. She’s got more talent at 16 than I do at 25.

  • Mojo Nixon Retiring

    It’s a sad day for Mojo Nixon fans.Pigfoot, Louisiana- March 2004-Mojo Nixon, has announced that on March 20, 2004 he will perform his final concert at the Continental Club in Austin Texas. Rumors have been circulating about Nixon’s retirement for some time and Nixon finally confirmed this will indeed be his final performance. “I have…

  • Open Mic Tonight

    You know you want to stop by Tree House coffee shop open mic in Collingswood, NJ. It runs from 8:00PM – 11:00PM. You can sign up in advance here or just come to hang out, play chess, drink coffe, etc. See you tonight.

  • The Young Turks

    I got Sirius Satellite Radio a few months ago and so far I like it a lot. There are a few decent ad-free music and comedy stations, but lately I’ve been listening to a talk radio show called the Young Turks. It’s a political show that occasionally dips into pop culture and the odd internal…

  • Matt Winn’s New Website

    Guitar hypnotist and long time Living Room/Tree House open mic artist Matt Winn sends word of some upcoming shows and a new website:March 6th ? DEEP BLUE 111 W. 11th St. Wilmington, DE 9pm. Opening for Sam Smick, a fantastic Delaware singer and guitarist. March 9th ? Kent dining hall (yeah, the dining hall!) on…

  • Wissahickon Park Hike

    It was so nice on Sunday that Jeanne and I took a hike over at Wissahickon Park, just west of Philadelphia and East of Manayunk. We spent over three hours out there trying to get to something called the Devil’s Pool and Shakespeare Rock. Next time, we’ll get there for sure, but probably because we’ll…

  • 42nd Street

    Last Friday I went to see my sister, Sarah, dance in Paul VI’s performance of 42nd Street. They did a really nice job, especially considering the amount of effort and training involved in all the dance routines. The costumes and props were all pretty elaborate, too. Sarah, of course, did a great job. I also…

  • Lost in Translation

    I’m breaking in my new movie topic tonight. I finally got around to seeing Lost in Translation. Has Bill Murray ever stunk up a movie? Every decent actor his age has at least thrown a few crap performances up on the screen, but somehow Bill ends up doing great work throughout his career. Maybe I…

  • Open Mic Recap @ The Tree House

    I forgot to take the sign up sheet with me as I left on Wednesday, so the order of the performers might be a little off, but I think I at least remembered everyone who played. Read on… 1. Jarrod Schafer – J-Rod’s always good for helping me out with a sound check and this…

  • The Last Picture Show

    I recently rented The Last Picture Show with Jeff Bridges and Cybill Shepherd. It’s about a town slowly fading away and it’s really interesting. Don’t get turned off by the black and white. It was made in the 70s, but made to look like it was filmed in the 50s. Everything about it feels like…

  • Open Mic (Pre-Recap)

    Open mic was fun tonight. The recap will come later, but we had 17 performers once again. I’m begining to think that 15-17 is the perfect number for a 3 hour event. Plus, lots of people seemed to be buying stuff which is good for the house. If you support your local coffee shop, it…

  • New Title Image

    If you’re viewing this site in the default theme, you’ll notice a new title graphic. I like this better than the old one, but I’m still not sold on this one. Taking pictures of myself feels really vain and narcissistic, but I guess that’s having a website about yourself is. Site traffic has been rocking,…

  • Open Mic Tonight

    14 artists are already signed up for tonight’s open mic at the Tree House coffee shop in Collingswood, NJ. It runs from 8:00PM – 11:00PM. You can sign up in advance here or just come to hang out, play chess, drink coffe, etc. It’s looking like a 2 song night, since so many people are…

  • All Posts Now in RSS

    For anyone who reads this site in an RSS news reader, I now put the full text of my posts in the news feed. I also made some changes to the sign up list, so let me know if you have any problems with it. Lastly, I moved the topic icons to the right of…

  • Photos from the Bamboo Bernies Show

    The Dave B Trio posted some pictures of our recent show over at Bamboo Bernies. They also got a new computer after their old one had an iDeath.