Category: Uncategorized
Jaron Olevsky on Letterman Tonight
Jaron Olevsky, who played the piano at my wedding, is on tour playing bass for Amos Lee. They’re going to be on Letterman tonight so check it out!
And the Winner is…. No One!
It was bound to happen again. In the first game of Odd Man In there was no winner. Everyone died. It can happen when A shoots B, B shoots C, and C shoots A. That’s what happened in the 10th round of A View to an Autokill. Mr Indigo (smonahan), Mr Mocha (jackal) and Mr…
Open Mic Recap @ Bamboo Bernies (02/23/05)
I guess I couldn’t get enough local music last Wednesday, because after the Treehouse open mic I went over to Justin’s open mic at Bamboo Bernies. His photolog provides evidence that it’s not usually as dead as it was that night. I played 5 or 6 songs but broke a string during Built to Spill’s…
Open Mic Recap @ The Tree House (02/23/05)
Last Wednesday I went to the Treehouse open mic and was happy to see the musicians turning out again. John Shaughnessy, Johnny Miles, and the Forest Greens all made appearances. A guy named Jeff played some interesting blues tunes, and Rob made me one of my favorite sandwiches ever. If you go in there and…
No Hate Mail?
Even though I got tons of traffic from google about my y100 post, I didn’t get any hate mail from y100 fans. This guy got plenty.
Interpol Postponed
If anyone was planning to go to the Interpol show tonight, it was postponed to March 27th.
Hapland Game
You have to try this awesome flash game called Hapland. It took me forever to figure out how to beat it. The object is to get the little stickfigure guy into his home on the right so he can activate some interdimensional portal thing.
So Long y100
The word on the street is that y100 is changing formats. This makes sense considering Grape Street’s Tuesday Night Music Club switching to WMMR and some of the DJs moving there, too. The last station I liked in this town was WDRE (103.9) which switched to a hip-hop station when I was in high school.…
Final Four!
A View to an Autokill has reached the final four! We saw an impressive number of kills for the third round in a row with 4 of 8 players biting the dust. A final four round is significant because it is potentially the last round of the game. If only two players are left standing…
3 New Songs Posted
I borrowed my Dad’s minidisc player and microphone today. Guess what that means? I finally got around to recording a rough demo of two songs I’ve been playing regularly for almost two years now, plus a brand new one. Here they are. 99% – The story of a guy who gets abducted by aliens while…
A View to an Autokill
The latest game of Odd Man In has been the complete opposite of One Shot is Not Enough. Most players were surprised when A View to an Autokill went from 25 to 15 players in one round, but then tonight they went from 15 to 8, the maximum number of death without an AUTOKILL! Currently…
Quote of the Day
Sometimes Gawker can be brilliant.In today?s Times, David Carr offers a fond appreciation for Hunter S. Thompson, the person who, in our dreamworld, would?ve had his Sidekick hacked on the same day as Paris Hilton killed herself.That’s why I usually leave celebrity news to the pros. I’ll stick with posting chili recipes and bloody piglets.
Will Wright & Paris Hilton Connection?
The big story this week is that Paris Hilton’s T-mobile Sidekick got hacked. All her notes, phone numbers, and cameraphone shots got posted to the Internet. A google search should find them easily. Normally I wouldn’t post about something like this, but I think one angle has been missed. Is Paris Hilton dating world famous…
I mentioned on February 9th that the site had just passed the 400,000 mark for total page views since I started the site in 2002. 11 days later we’re up to 450,000. Granted, I know it’s not becuase people are actually reading these posts.
Jerzy Jung @ the Treehouse
Last night I stopped into the Treehouse to grab some coffee and Jerzy Jung was playing. She’s got a great voice. She usually plays the piano, but sometimes she picks up the guitar, too. I didn’t get a chance to stick around for long, so I missed the set by Johnny Miles but maybe I’ll…
Aunt Berta’s Kitchen
Damn, if you live in South Jersey and haven’t been to Aunt Berta’s Kitchen you don’t know what you’re missing. They have amazing fried chicken, ribs, turkey wings, and pork chops along with the standard home-style sides like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, collard greens, etc. It makes Boston Market look like your high school…
The Arcade Fire
After seeing them on Conan, I finally got up off my ass and bought the Arcade Fire’s album, Funeral. It was Pitchfork’s best album of 2004 and made the top 10 almost everywhere else. Does it live up to that hype? So far, definitely. Their music sounds like it came from ex-drama club geeks who…
Parents Primer on Computer Slang by Microsoft
Always looking for ways to help out parents, the good people at Microsoft wrote a guide to help understand their kids’ chats. It’s amazing how serious the author takes the subject.Key points for learning leetspeek Numbers are often used as letters. The term “leet” could be written as “1337,” with “1” replacing the letter L,…
No More Y-100 TNMC at Grape Street
Not that I’d been there on a Tuesday night in a while, but Grape Street will no longer host the Y-100 Tuesday Night Music Club. This news came to me in an email from Dan Fein. I have no idea how I got on his list.February 17, 2005 Dear valued member of the Philadelphia local…