Month: November 2004

  • Vote Today

    If you live in the US and are over 18 you should be voting today.

  • Round 3 Completed

    Round 3 of the current game of Odd Man Out just ended. Here are the results:r Gray was killed. Mr Cyan wheeled by in a rickshaw and then shot Mr Gray in the head. Mr Blue said, “Oma Kora su baka na gaijin!” and then shot Mr Gray in the taint. Mr Purple was shot…

  • The Gameshow Started Today

    I’ve been playing Jason Zahn’s GameShow religiously for the past few months and you should, too. The object is to complete a phrase or word with the most common answer. For example, one day the phrase was SPIDER_____. The winning answer was MAN, but I stupidly put WEB so I didn’t get the full points.…

  • Kilpatrick @ A Gazebo in Haddonfield

    On Saturday I watched about half of Pat Hipp’s set in front of a gazebo near mars-red. He makes fun of himself and others in between songs and that’s the best thing about Pat’s gigs. He even announced to the bewildered crowd his identity in the current game of odd man out, and by crowd…

  • Open Mic Recap @ The Caribbean Crab (10/27/04)

    Last Wednesday I went to the open mic Halloween party at the Caribbean Crab. Who did I go as? The Greatest American Hero (pics here, history of the character here). I thought I had the costume contest locked up, but I ended up in 5th place! I even played the freaking theme song. Maybe next…