Damn Bikers on 42

Someone please tell me what the hell was going on this morning on 42 southbound? It was closed until 12:00PM to make way for a million motorcycles heading somewhere. Dozens of people were watching and cheering them on along the highway. I couldn’t turn around and ended up getting dumped onto a heavily crowded 295 and didn’t get off of it for and hour and a half! What a waste of taxpayer money to pay for all the police and highway workers inconveniencing anyone with a 4 wheeled vehicle.

Luckily, I made it down to Stockton College in time to catch the 2nd half of my cousin Mark’s band, Relay. They play about one show per year, so I’m glad I made it. They’ve improved a ton since the last time I saw them and I liked their new material a lot. I didn’t have my camera on me, but others were taking pictures. If anyone sends me one I’ll post it.


2 responses to “Damn Bikers on 42”

  1.  Avatar

    It’s a ride for Cops by one of the police unions for some charity.I’ve done it’s fun if your on a bike.Roz

  2. Let them ride in the traffic with everyone else.