Be sure to come out on Friday to see Jason Wheatley and me at the Living Room at 8:00PM. Don’t worry, Jason’s not nearly as scary as I am.
Also, you’ll definitely want to check out Adrien Reju on Saturday March 29 @ 8:30PM at 3 Beans Coffee in Haddonfield, NJ.
I saw a great commercial the other day thanking people like Kato Kalin, Joey Butafucco, and Tonya Harding and then at the end it turns out to be an ad for Trivial Pursuit. I really need to update my version of the game, otherwise I’ll have to brush up on my Mr. T Cereal trivia (be careful of the invasive audio ads).
Movie Radar Alert: shitty movie spotted at 10:00
In Intellectual Property news, you can add Mexico to the lands of perpetual copyright.