Category: Uncategorized

  • Gray Hair

    I found my first gray hair today.

  • State of the Union

    Two words: Dikembe Mutombo President Bush’s speech seemed designed to answer his critics that he doesn’t understand the real conflict in Iraq between the Sunnis and the Shiites, but his plan doesn’t seem to reflect any of these details. 20,000 more troops to secure Baghdad, but what then?

  • Sasha Smiling

    Check out this cutie!

  • Some Loud Thunder

    Listen to the new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah album on myspace, although the sound quality is poor. They’re offering a really cool deal where if you pre-order the album they’ll let you download the MP3’s now. I tried to order it from Insound, but got an error in the checkout. Last time I bought…

  • Twin Peaks

    Don’t know how long these will last, but there are a ton of Twin Peaks episodes on YouTube right now. Here’s the first 16 minutes of the first episode. If you like them, go rent the DVD (although a warning: Season 2 isn’t on DVD!)

  • Beer Verdict

    I picked up a coil box, or jockey box, for my beer keg and tried it out last night sufficiently chilled and sufficiently carbonated. The verdict: It’s good! It’s a very bitter, hoppy IPA and Jeanne didn’t like it at all but I enjoyed it immensely. The only weirdness was that slight metallic taste, but…

  • Vicious Circle on Comcast on Demand

    If you have Comcast digital cable, go to the On Demand channel (probably channel 1). Select Music, Fuse, and then you can select the video for my friend Vinny’s band, Vicious Circle. The song is called Live Long and Suffer and my brother Jake is in the video. He’s one of the guys tied to…

  • Wild At Heart

    Jeanne and I watched Wild At Heart, a David Lynch movie with Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern. It’s a love story about two people trying to be together despite an over protective mother, sinister plots, and Willem Defoe’s disgusting teeth. It was good, but I’d probably put it near the bottom of Lynch’s movies. I’m…

  • Beer Verdict Still Not In

    I tried the beer the other day, and force carbonating it sort of worked. There was way too much foam on it as it came out of the keg, but there was definitely more CO2 in the beer itself. I’ll reserve final judgment until I try it out sufficiently chilled.

  • Trying out Google Adsense

    I signed up for Google Adsense to try it out. I’m curious to see if it’s actually possible to make money off of it or will I earn $0.30/year. Supposedly it will tailor the ads to things I’ve written about and, of course, it’s currently all about beer supplies.

  • Rescuing the Beer

    The plan was to crack open the beer on New Year’s Eve. It was supposed to finish fermenting for two weeks in the keg and the generated CO2 would carbonate the beer. I also wanted a way to chill the beer without having to ice the whole keg. The bar in my basement has an…

  • New Year’s Eve

    So long 2006. This has been the best and the worst year of my life and it seemed like 10 years worth of events compiled into one. New Years Eve is actually my Dad’s birthday and here’s a video of him playing a coffee shop gig in 1997. He’s covering John Prine’s Be My Friend…

  • Kung Fu Sasha

    Watch out! My daughter can beat up your daughter.

  • Christmas 2006

    Eagles win big over Dallas I watched Deal or No Deal for the first time. Short Review: It sucks. Extended Review: It really sucks. New Arcade Fire track (read review by the BM Rant) RIP James Brown

  • Haagen Australian Lager

    One of my Christmas gifts this year was an eight pack of Beers of the World. I figured I’d write a short review of each beer as I finish it off. The first on the list is Haagen Australian Lager. Info: Brewed by Independant Brewers Australia in Laverton, Victoria, Australia. 5.0% Alcohol Color: Light gold,…

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas! (pic via boingboing)

  • Basketball + Trampoline + 3 Dumb Kids

    I think ET said it best when he said, “Ouuuuuuuuch.” This is why insurance companies drop you if you own a trampoline.

  • Verizon FIOS Installed

    Yesterday I had Verizon FIOS installed. Check out the speed results so far. It’s advertised as 20Mbps download and 5Mbps upload, so it’s pretty close according to the Speakeasy Speed Test. Actual download speeds have varied for me. It seems most servers cap users at 400 KB/ps. This morning I tried downloading the Microsoft DirectX…

  • SNL Song

    I don’t think SNL will be able to top this for a while. Everyone’s linking to it, but it’s worth it. NBC even posted the uncensored version on YouTube.