Category: Politics

  • Media Roundup for Mandel Bulldog Budget

    The reaction to the Mandel for Controller Bulldog Budget has been amazing! Here’s a list of all the places it was mentioned online. Technically Philly – “Use the coolest, most comprehensive City of Philadelphia budget visualization you’ve ever seen” Made it to story #4 on Hacker News with over 60 comments Tons of activity on…

  • Philadelphia Budget Data Visualized

    For the past few months I’ve been working with Brett Mandel on creating a data visualization of Philadelphia’s General budget. We used a treepmap from D3 to show expenditures categorized by department, but lets you drill down to al 217,450 expenditures.     We’re launching it today, so check it out and see what you…

  • Historical Election: From Obama to Prop 8

    I didn’t believe Obama had a chance to win until he won the Iowa primary on January 4, 2008, but an African American candidate winning in one of the whitest states in the country (91% white, 2.5% black) changed the political landscape forever. From that point on, Democratic voters decided to test their country and…

  • 31 Reasons Why Bush is a Bad President

    You don’t always agree with everything your President does, but George W Bush made so many poor decisions during his presidency that I consider him the worst President in my lifetime (I was born in 1978, but can only remember back to Reagan). I didn’t start out with a negative disposition toward him at all.…

  • Super Tuesday! NJ Primary Voting Rules

    So, you want to vote in tomorrow’s primary election? Here is how (source): 1. Are you registered to vote? Yes: Good. No: You can’t vote in tomorrow’s primary, but use this as a good reminder and register! 2. Have you voted in a primary before? Yes: You can vote for your declared party. If you…

  • Letter to Rob Andrews

    The other day I wrote a letter to House Representative Rob Andrews concerning the Berman Bill just introduced into Congress. The Bill would allow copyright holders like the RIAA and MPAA to disrupt illegal peer to peer file traders using technological means. They wouldn’t be able to delete any files or use viruses, but they…