If we listed all the problems in south jersey, this would probably rank somewhere around #1387.
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. (AP) South Jersey’s age-old identity crisis has become a federal case for two rival magazine publishers.
One periodical that calls itself South Jersey Magazine is suing a company that was planning to produce another publication by the same name. The lawsuit filed last month in U.S. District Court in Camden drags in a third publication the defunct South Jersey Magazine.
For the record, still another similarly named publication, SJ Magazine which calls itself, right on its cover, “South Jersey’s Magazine” is not part of the litigation.
Keeping the parties straight in the case is challenging, to say the least. And the dispute echoes a long-standing question about Garden State geography and culture: Exactly what is South Jersey?
Somehow I get SJ Magazine, which is a glorified restaurant and golf guide. It must be free since I don’t remember paying for it.