Mark Garvey’s Songs 3/4: Oldest Baby in the World

As promised, here’s the next installment of my Dad’s songs. It’s a John Prine song called the Oldest Baby in the World and it’s ripped from an old video tape. Dad played it right after the first song I posted, Fool Such as I, so you’ll hear the rest of us occasionally. Sarah always sang the song with my Dad and we were trying to get her to sing for the video. The phone rings at one point, too.

Mark Garvey – The Oldest Baby in the World

If you missed the previous two songs, here they are:
Mark Garvey – I’m Coming Home
Mark Garvey – Fool Such as I


4 responses to “Mark Garvey’s Songs 3/4: Oldest Baby in the World”

  1. BridgetB Avatar

    That’s great. I still haven’t been able to play “I’m Coming Home” but I was able to play this one.

  2. Bridget, it might have something to do with the apostrophe in the title. Can you download it? Right click and select “Save As.”

  3. BridgetB Avatar

    Ok, hehe, I guess I can just download it. Thanks for the tip, I think I need to take Internet 101. I loved the song. So thanks.