It was intersting Wednesday at the Living Room. I showed up a little late, but squeezed in a few songs between Cathy and James Collins. I’m not positive, but I think Willie Tapps might have been on to something last night. He kept forgeting lines to songs and mixing them up. At one point Roz, the open mic host, jumped in and saved Willie with a hilarious faith healing sermon. Kopie of nowayscoob didn’t make it out, but Justin did a Radiohead cover and closed with the best song on his new album, “Waste.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard them play this song live, but it’s good. The CD version is so slick I could easily hear it on some mid 90s movie soundtrack. I’ve seen Cathy two or three times now since she came home from school and she still hasn’t played her Living Room hit from last summer, “Awfully Nice.” She did, however, leave her guitar there when she left and had to come back for it. Keith Lewis has been playing a pretty cool version of Sheryl Crow’s “Steve McQueen”.
I went through “The Genius of it All,” “Headstart,” and my cover of Gomez’s “Get Miles.” No matter how cold it is outside the Living Room always feels about 100 degrees inside.
I got a digital camera recently and took some pictures last weekend when it snowed. If you want to check them out, head here.
The other day I linked to one of my favorite sites,, and today I’m going to link to another one of my all time favorites: The Filthy Critic. If this guy wrote a novel I’d read it. I’d even watch a commercial he wrote. He can be pretty crude and harsh in his movie reviews, but if you’re looking for honest, indepedent, and insightful reviews of recent movies there is no one better. His best work is with the worst movies. When reviewing I-SPY he wrote, “If fresh ideas were toilet paper, these guys would be dead from diaper rash.”