Local Under 21 Scene Thriving

There’s a great article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about the growing under 21 music scene. They play in churches, community centers, VFW halls, and anywhere else. I’ve heard of a handful of the bands they mentioned.

All across the South Jersey and Pennsylvania suburbs, unlikely venues have become home to a thriving do-it-yourself music scene driven by kids in fledgling groups with names such as No Regrets, Jersey Calling, Missing Tomorrow, Break of Day, Six Foot Smurf, and A Modest Promise. Most of the band members are high school age, with some in their early 20s and some who are middle schoolers. These musicians have their own Web sites and write their own songs. Some have even raised the cash to record CDs.

Churches are popular venues because they have good-sized halls and often charge little or no rent. St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Springfield, Delaware County, Covenant Presbyterian Church in Malvern, and Grace Episcopal Church in Merchantville, to name a few, have all had concerts.

Bands have also played Pennsylvania YMCAs, firehouses in both states, coffeehouses, skate parks, even an Italian social club in West Chester. A few have landed gigs at the Pontiac Grille and Theater of the Living Arts, both on South Street.

When I was in high school South Jersey had the following options for bands –
1. Play at someone’s party
2. Plat at Down to Earth in Mt. Holly
3. Play at the Daily Grind in Browns Mills

Sounds like things are a lot better now. (found via More Boom in the Room)


2 responses to “Local Under 21 Scene Thriving”

  1.  Avatar

    Well at least kids had to work hard to get a gig I don’t know I remember playing alot Coffee works Marlton , South Street.Anti-Drug fest and stuff.John and Peters never carded.

  2. It was easier for soloists and duoists than full bands.